bill: there is a key hearing on iran set to get underway in a few moments. yesterday in his appearance with benjamin netanyahu president trump said this about tehran. one of the worst deals i ve ever seen is the iran deal. my administration has already imposed new sanctions on iran and i will do more to prevent iran from ever developing i mean ever a nuclear weapon. bill: ed royce chairs the house foreign affairs committee is with me now. thank you for your time. your hearing top of the hour on iran. what s that all about? one of the things that has just happened is general salamony, responsible for the death of nearly 500 americans as a consequence of him hitting up the forces, the organization that is responsible for
bill. bill: what else is the prosecution saying? what have they told you? reporter: well, normally these kind of plea deals begin behind closed doors. they don t normally happen through court filings. so in a scathing response by the district attorney s office they responded in a filing and in part it read, because there is no legitimate reason to include information about the purported defense, quote, offer in any pleading offer in this case the people question whether this language was included in the defense notice in good faith, or whether it was a calculated attempt to improperly inject the issue of the purported defense offer into the public discourse regarding the case. meantime the prosecution has been spending time talking to victims and family members of victims about how they feel about the death penalty and the possibility of a lifetime for james holmes in prison. bill: we await that hearing top of the hour.
the next president of the united states, ladies and gentlemen, mitt romney! hearing top democrats talk about wisconsin congressman paul ryan s budget that has already passed the republican house, you might think mitt romney has already chosen him to be on the ticket. romney-ryan plan. romney-ryan budget. romney-ryan budget. governor remain knee hasn t shied away from the ryan budget plan. i applaud it. it s an excellent piece of work and very much needed. this is a person who led a very clear path for our party and for our nation. romney is not just handing out compliments. many analysts say he s making a decision by openly talking about the ryan plan that is clearly seen by democrats as a fruitful line of attack for them in the fall. you campaigned with mitt romney in wisconsin. spent a number of days on the trail with him. he embraced your budget. is that a full embrace. i never expect people to
running with romney. we take a close look at the republicans who may be rom niece running mate. congressman and house committee chairman paul ryan. the next president of the united states, ladies and gentlemen, mitt romney. hearing top democrats talk about paul ryan s budget that has already passed the republican house, you might think mitt romney has already chosen him to be on the ticket. the romney ryan budget. the romney ryan budget. governor romney hasn t exactly shied away from the romney ryan budget plan. it s an excellent piece of work and very much needed. this is a person who led a clear path for our party and our nation. romney is not just handing out compliments. many analysts say he is making a decision by openly talking the ryan plan that is clearly seen giem kratz as a fruitful line of attack for them in the fall.
two-for-one deal. if romney chooses house budget committee chairman paul ryan as the vice president nominee he gets the man. and his message. a message that has already been under the microscope. next president of the united states, ladies and gentleman, mitt romney! hearing top democrats talk about wisconsin congressman ball ryan s budget that has all right passed the republican house, you could think romney has already chosen him. romney ryan plan. the romney-ryan budget. governor rome any has not exactly shied away from the ryan budget plan. i applaud it. an excellent piece of work and very much needed. a person would has led a very clear path for our party can our nation. romney is not just handing out out come moments but making a