go ahead. united states. go do it. this sun provoked unilateral declaration of war against a sovereign country syria. what have they done? they have not done anything to us. have they done something to their own people? perhaps. you say it has to be a u.s. interest not just humanitarian or morally or ethically reason to act? there has to be a u.s. interest to act. can i point something out? if the president says, we can t congress, the house doesn t pass this and the president says we re not going to go because those morons in the house decided not to pass this, i m on your side, president obama. i will not give him a hard time. blame it on congress. i would be thrilled for you to blame it on congress. that would be the best thing i heard in a long time. he basically said he is going whether they do it or not. can i run that sot. somebody asked a question if congress voted no. look at this please. if the full congress doesn t pass this, will you go ahead