39 house democrats sided with republicans to pass fred upton s keep your health plan act last week. as predicted on this show on friday night, right wing talking heads wasted no time jumping on this. different democratic leaders saying that that was just responding to constituents, but clearly there s a split in the democratic party. this health care law is terribly flawed. it is broken. it has failed the american people because they re losing their insurance, they re losing their doctor, their premiums are going up. we can go back to the drawing board and talk about bipartisan solutions for health reform in the country. president obama says he will veto the bill and it s headed nowhere in the senate. many of our friends in the house voted the wrong way, i believe that. most of the 39 house democrats who voted for this bill face tough races in 2014 and for a number of reasons they voted
care, the president met with the nation s top insurance company executives at the white house. but insurance companies didn t just get attention from the president today. they also got a nod from the house. in the form of a bill called the keep your health plan act. the bill is passed. today, house republicans and a few dozen democrats passed the keep your health plan act. a bill that doesn t guarantee you can keep your plan, but does allow insurers to keep offering plans that aren t up to aca standards. and even offer new ones. the debate today on whether to support the bill comes down to a very simple question. why not? it s an embrace of the status quo that has allowed insurance companies to sell junk insurance for years. bankrupting millions of americans. and right now, those companies are celebrating. talking points memrow writes, the affordable care act was designed to make sure all americans had a certain level of
i ve talked to some folks in colorado. they told me it s pretty much status quo. there s not much change. before we had the president s announcement yesterday, we already allowed our insurance companies to extend their current policies into next year. so things aren t going to change here. the insurers will be able to continue to do that. we can t force them to do it. when i talked to folks in kentucky this morning they said their insurance commissioner is going to be meeting with insurers today to sort out what all this means. governor there has said they want to make the president s plan go into effect, but again, even there, you have the governor saying that we cannot require rear anybody to be extend their plans. we would like them to, but it s a business decision in the end. chris, thank you very much. let s go to dana bash at the capitol. dana, that vote is starting. the keep your health care plan act. they re voting on that. what s happening?
law that s been around for years in china, but today the government making some changes to that rule and others. also if they would haved a mirror acting the way i ve conducted myself, i would have dop the exact same thing. i m not mad at anybody. i take full responsibility. the toronto s crack smoking mayor says he is not leaving his job. now the city council has just voted to strip him of some of his power. you re watching around the world i m suzanne malveaux. i m michael holmes. house republicans say they have the fix for obama care, a vote happens this hour actually. it s meant to, on the gop bill called the keep your health plan act. referring to the promise that the president is struggling to make good on here, president obama as you know, meeting later today with ceos of insurance companies. we saw him yesterday offering a
cusp of reaching a key milestone really, the dow is up again today and marching toward 16,000, but is it a sign of a recovering economy or a bubble just waiting to burst? hello, everyone. i m don lemon. do not adjust your tv sets. wolf will be back with you on monday. we are moments away now from that vote in the house that we have been reporting on here on cnn. the republican-sponsored keep your health plan act. as late as a day ago, it had a lot of democratic support. so i want to bring in dana bash on capitol hill where she has been stationed for the duration of all of this. what could we expect from democrats today? we re going to find out. that really is sort of the drama that is unfolding in the next hour. if you look at the careen right now, see what s happening on the house floor, there is a