The people in and around houston who again find themselves dealing with serious damages due to flooding. May they and those many First Responders be safe as they begin the recovery of their community. May all that is done be for your greater honor and glory. Amen. The speaker the chair has examined the journal of the last days proceedings and announces to the house her pproval thereof. Pursuant to clause 1 of rule 1, the journal stands approved. Madam speaker. The speaker for what purpose does the gentleman from oregon seek recognition . Mr. Blumenauer pursuant to clause 1 of rule 1, i demand a vote on the speakers approval of the journal. The speaker the question is on the approval of the speakers approval of the journal. Those in favor please say aye. Opposed, no. The ayes have it. The journal stands approved. Mr. Blumenauer madam speaker. The speaker for what purpose does the gentleman from oregon further seek recognition . Mr. Blumenauer i object to the vote on the grounds that a q
Stuart bouncing back fully. All of it has been well covered. Janet yellen may not raise rates any time soon. Jobs data looking pretty good. 290 points. Seventyeight is the account on the dow. All time highs. Home depot. Just look at that. Now look at chipolte. Citigroup says by it. The high early this morning was 727. A new a brandnew eyes. 5 gain. It is above its low. Some people say maybe we have hit the low already. The 10 year treasury yield coming back. Lets get to the attack on the freedom in paris. Mark stein. The media must fight for the freedom of speech. Listen to this. Waiting for them to publish those cartoons. It is because the new zork times did not and the london times did not and all the other great world newspapers. The western media does not man up and decide to disperse the risk. Stuart man up and go for free speech. Former president ial candidate. He says this was not the world of muslim terrorist. Washington times online opinion editor is here. Whyd the were let ki
On all the leaks. John roberts is live with more. Hi, john. Julie, good morning to you. Just to give you a quick window in the president s frame of mind. He said, can you believe with all of the made up stories from the make news with the 10 million russia witch hunt, i have my best poll numbers in a year. Rasmussen has me at 47 . The people truly get it. The president is giving remarks to the 37th annual National Peace officers Memorial Service to honor the 199 peace officers that lost their lives in the line of duty in 2017. Then he will attend the Senate Republican policy lunch. Among the topics the president is expected to bring up, his nominations and confirmations on capitol hill, including gina haspel. The president wants her confirmed. He will bring up appropriations. He wants no more omnibus spending bills. He might also bring up immigration and he may ask the senate to invoke the Nuclear Option to get the Immigration Reform done. Also, kelly sadler. She made the remarks about