Black garlic has made a comeback after it first rose to popularity centuries ago in Asian cuisine, for medicinal purposes and a touch of sweet flavor to add to sauces. Now, aged fermented garlic is trending again, as chefs from around the world present upscale foods made with black garlic for its unique color and distinctive flavor.
You may have seen protein topped with a black garlic butter sauce, and other times you ll see veggies dipped into a black garlic aioli. These dishes might be made for aesthetic purposes but unlike other meals presented in a spooky way, like charcoal, black garlic is extremely healthy and delivers special health benefits that include containing more antioxidants than raw garlic and helping to protect against various diseases. So next time you re out to eat and your friend wants to order the appetizer with black garlic for a photo opp, they re doing everyone at the table a favor, in terms of good health.