In March 1943, on the island of New Guinea, a young Australian pilot was put on a truck by his Japanese captors. It was twilight, and the young man gazed out wistfully at the hills and sea, lost in thought. When the truck eventually came to a halt, he was ordered down and told he was about to be killed. He knelt on the ground, and a few minutes later, he was beheaded by sword. Hissing could be heard as blood spurted from the neck. “The head,” noted a Japanese diarist, “is dead white, like a doll
China leading electric vehicle (EV) manufacturer BYD will start to sell a new model of midsize electric bus in Japan to meet the growing demand for gr...
China recently revised counterespionage law has raised concerns among Japanese firms and individuals, as it poses a risk of detention for unclear reasons, J
HARBIN, June 6 (Xinhua) A roster of Unit 731, a Japanese germ warfare army during World War II, has been on display at Heilongjiang International University,
TOKYO, April 22 (Xinhua) A Japanese civil group held a rally here on Saturday to call on the government to return Chinese relics stolen by Japanese soldiers