A Gurgaon businessman was arrested for siphoning Rs 6.1 crore from a software company s account. Alleged mastermind Harmeet Singh Malik was intercepted at Mumbai airport while trying to flee to Dubai. The operation involved multiple accomplices, with funds routed through various bank accounts and cryptocurrency transactions. Six arrests have been made, while two suspects remain at large.
The Enforcement Directorate (ED) has frozen security holdings of more than Rs 580 crore of a Dubai-based ’’hawala operator’’ after fresh raids in Mahadev app case
India News: The Bombay High Court released hawala operator Mohamed Farooq Shaikh on bail, stating that house arrest curtails a person's liberty. The court disagre
India News: The Bombay High Court released hawala operator Mohamed Farooq Shaikh on bail, stating that house arrest curtails a person's liberty. The court disagre
The Delhi High Court on Wednesday granted bail to one Avtar Singh Kocchar, a senior citizen aged about 69 years, accused in the cases registered under the Prevention of Money Laundering Act (PMLA) and.