Fukushima and the entire region cannot afford another nuclear leak cover-up. Given its previous poor records, the international community should urge Japan to take practical action to properly handle various safety hidden risks.
March 16, 2021
Confluence Investment Management offers various asset allocation products which are managed using “top down,” or macro, analysis. We publish asset allocation thoughts on a weekly basis in this report, updating the report every Friday, along with an accompanying podcast and chart book.
March 12, 2021
With the U.S. dollar apparently poised for what could be a long phase of depreciation, investors are naturally looking more closely at foreign stocks for future growth. Japan has been a prime focus, not only because it sports the world’s third-largest economy and the third-largest equity market, but also because Japanese stocks have recently performed well. Over the last six months, for example, the MSCI Japan Index provided a total return of 17.3% (in dollar terms), almost double the return on the U.S. index. But are Japanese stocks set for further gains over the ong term? Have Japanese stocks really overcome their long period of underperformance since the count