He said the SC’s comment was a 'big slap' for the Shinde-Fadnavis government and it has no right to remain in power. “They (Chief Minister Eknath Shinde and Deputy Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis) should step down immediately,” said Patole.
Referring to speeches of former PMs Jawaharlal Nehru and Atal Bihari Vajpayee, the apex court said people from remote areas used to gather to hear them and lamented that fringe elements are making speeches daily to vilify others.
The Supreme Court on Wednesday took serious exception to hate speeches and said the moment politics and religions are separated and politicians stop using religion in politics, such.
The court passed the order after hearing a petition seeking a ban on the Hindutva outfit's event on February 5 in Maharashtra, alleging that it had earlier hosted speakers who made anti-Muslim hate speeches.
The incident pertained to December, 2021 and the FIR in the case was lodged on May 4, last year, the top court said, adding, “Why do you need five months for lodging an FIR? How many arrests have been made?