And why both getting mad. Plus special counsel, jack smith has filed his plan for how and when to move forward with his january 6 case? and we alone or not, a former top pentagon ufo hunter. Yeah, i said it makes us stunning claim as he takes us inside the secret program that he once lead. Tonight on laura coates live 67 days to go until the general election and donald trump is struggling to confront, let alone resolve an issue that he created for himself the end of roe roe v. Wade. We find exhibit a in his very home state of florida. Now, there there is a sixweek abortion ban that amendment on the ballot overturn that particular ban yesterday, trump appeared to suggest that he blinked be willing to vote for overturning that ban. When he said this well, i think the six week is too short it s has to be more time now that caused panic among his base. Conservative erick erickson win as far as to put it like this earlier today and if he loses in november yesterday august 29 in the year of
-we tatalk about t the arms ra, yoyou know, bibig bombs and big g things that can k kill peoplele. and d they re vevery dangeror, anand we don t t ever want those ouout there. but, y you know, t the majoriy of p people in t the world are killlled from smsmall-arms . -in ththe last twowo decades, the dea a has defininitely witnd a large-e-scale convnvergence of weaponsns traffickiking and d terrorism.m. -at least t 60 people e are coconfirmed dedead in whahat is cleararly a pariris terror a attack gunfire,e, ak-47s, in mulultiple partrts of t the french h capital. -an ararms dealer r doesn t ce who o he sold ththe weapons o or w what they w were goingg to use t them for as l long as thehey were able to m make him a a profit. -when you u re provididing weas to tererrorists ororganizatio, there s s nothing woworse than . the peopople doing i it are e horrible p people. -and if wewe don t do somethihing about i it, we l ll lose thohousands anand thousandnds of livese. but t t
the more i want to hearou more about judge judges a, teacher and send picks bill from virginia joe thought it was junee 10th, so he thre10w a party. aaron from mendon louisianagh . i thought biden was raised in a black churchn with that rhythm. he was dug it fresh, wasn t great either. john from louisiana you can wear a pink tie but can t drinka with a straw. wowtraw whi, you got me. that s all for tonight. dvr the show. hannity is up next. and always remember, i m waters and this is world i. and welcome to hannity tonight, total, complete history on the lef hysteri theto left-wing conspiracy theorist rachel maddow. she is now claiming she may be put in a camp if donald she c trump is elected. aoc saying trump will throw in jail. the left is losing their minds, but we thei already knew that. they maybe never noticeonly that it s only trump people that get charged, harassed and actually put in jai te th getarged hal and s. anyway, far left back,
priscilla alvarez that at this point they say only congress can provide additional funding for these efforts, which the administration has already requested. and only congress can fix the broken immigration system. so, it is clear, brianna, that this issue is not going anywhere any time soon. and it s certainly going to lead to a tense relationship between the mayor of new york city, the governor of new york, and of course the commander in chief of the white house. yeah. certainly is at a critical time. polo sandoval, thank you for that. and ahead, has tipping gone too far? we will dive into that. [son deflates] awh, use priceline. they have package deals no one else has.s. [son inflates] we c can do it! go to your happy price priceline i have moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. thanks to skyrizi, i m on my way with clearer skin. 3 out of 4 people achieved 90% clearer skin at months. and skyrizi is just 4 doses a year