The. Not when it is sucked up by the School District itself and so until we shine a light on return on investment for these expenditures i think we will continue to live in a world where we spend more money per kid but dont get the results. Talk about student voucher tell us how you change your thinking on this interesting topic. This topic gets people really riled up if you want to have the debate just bring up the word voucher. I am a democrat and have spent my entire life when i asked my dad the difference he said democrats care more about the people that have less than republican make more money and i said i made democrat and i have been ever since. So when i got to washington d. C. I had clear views about what education reform should look like right to allied with the vouchers because the democrats think they are bad because you take the money away from the pork that needed them or let the core that need it the most but when i arrived in washington there is a publicly funded Vouch