Karnataka police have taken Rs 10 lakh bond from accused Adi Narayana Naidu, grandson of former MP D.K. Adikeshavulu Naidu, for running over his car on street dogs. The accused was given a stern warning that if he indulges in case of animal cruelty in future he will be put behind bars, police said on Saturday.
Karnataka police have taken Rs 10 lakh bond from accused Adi Narayana Naidu, grandson of former MP D.K. Adikeshavulu Naidu, for running over his car on street dogs. The accused was given a stern warning that if he indulges in case of animal .
The Karnataka police have busted a fake surrogacy racket selling children to childless people, by claiming that they are born of surrogate mothers in Bengaluru on Wednesday.The accused were identified as Devi Shanmuga, Mahesh Kumar, Rajana .
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