New york cIty. On thIs monday, September 30th, 2024. And thIs Is Fox FrIends. From y new and Improved and just refreshed StudIo M. BrIan took me forever to get thIs ready. Steve Its really somethIng. New coat of paInt. Anyway, we start wIth very serIous news. A Fox Weather alert. Rescue and recovery efforts are underway after helene leaves unImagInable destructIon across towns throughout the eastern thIrd of the UnIted States. Its been an IncredIbly apocalyptIc weekend for all of us here. Carley as nearly 100 people are confIrmed dead, we talk to resIdence, local offIcIals, and reporters on the ground all mornIng long. Lawrence plus, VIce PresIdent Kamala HarrIs says she wIll do a better job fIxIng the border than former PresIdent Trump. BrIan yeah. Lawrence Dhs Down Plays Thousands of Illegal crImInals roamIng our country. These are serIous problems. And we know donald Trump Wont solve them. BrIan all rIght. And some News Outlets paIntIng a posItIve pIcture of the murdered Hezbollah L
I was steeling myself for it already because of the massive police presence. They said that they believed that he had been murdered. Craig melvin Craig Rideout, dad of seven, cared deeply about his kids. Robbyn he was a loving man, provider, warm. Craig melvin so it was puzzling and alarming when he vanished. Pj she said, craigs not here. I said, thats weird. I didnt know what was happening. I know something is wrong. I dont know how wrong. Craig melvin a disturbing discovery in the basement. Blood particles were found on the walls. It appeared that there was some kind of ambush. Craig Melvin Revelations about craigs wife. Robbyn craig didnt want to believe there was a romantic relationship between them. It became painfully obvious that there was. Craig melvin and in the park, two young men acting strangely. They identify Colin Rideout and alexander rideout. The victims two sons . The victims two sons. Craig melvin finally, a string of Security Videos would lay bare the bonechilling tr
Everybody and Martha Maccallum and this is The Story. We have a very big hour ahead. It was speak to robert f. Kennedy jr. This afternoOn And also the White House John Kirby both joining me here in studio. Buffers, Form President Trump eking to real and specific threats on his life by ironic. He did that today in Battleground North carolina just moments ago, he says he believes based on the briefing he got last night from u. S. Intelligence officials that they will try to strike again. Mr. Trump meanwhile we have the president of iran in our country this week, they have large Security Forces guarding him, yeah, that are threatening to a former president and leading candidate to become the next President Of The United States break certainly as strange set of circumstances around the world, our enemies are desperate to prevent Donald Trump from returning to the White House because they know i will make America Great Again and they dont want that. Martha so now a Scaving Report on the Jul
I m vivek ramaswamy, and this is an open discussion about some of the biggest issues facing americans. We were supposed to have a red wave in 2022, but that never came. They blamed trump. They blamed abortion. But the real reason is that we got lazy. We railed against the democrats, but without offering an alternative vision of our own. And i m worried we re going to be in for a rude surprise this november unless we fix that starting right now. Think about it. Criticizing joe biden for his cognitive deficits over the last two years ended up backfiring. His cognitive deficits weren t a bug for the people who controlled him. They were a feature, and eventually they used it as their basis to swap him out. He was never really the functioning president of the united states anyway. He was a puppet for the people who controlled him. And you know what? the same thing goes for kamala harris today. She s just another cog in the system. We re not up against a candidate here. We re up against a ma
Member from Jd Vances campaign did fact check the statement about ohio before it sparked the controversy. And are sean combs days as a free Man Over . His last Ditch Effort to get out of prison while he waits trial on charges that could put him behind bars the rest of his life. We begin with the Chaos And Confusion inside lebanon right now where for a second straight day more devices are exploing across the country including walkietalkies more than nine people are dead and 300 injured from the latest blast. Yesterday electronic devices used by the members of hezbollah exploded across lebanon killing at least 12 people and injuring up to 2,800. Two u. S. Officials confirm to Nbc News that israel was behind the attack. The new york times is sharing new details on yesterdays highly sophisticated Attack Reporting that israel planted, quote, small amounts of explosives in beepers that hezbollah ordered from a company based in taiwan. According to american and other officials briefed on the