Marco Goecke, a renowned German choreographer, has been terminated as Ballet Director at The Hanover State Opera after smearing his aging dachshund's feces on the face of a dance critic.
CRAIG BROWN: Theatre critics have long had a reputation for meanness, but in my experience audiences can be infinitely crueller as they shuffle out of the theatre.
Hanover State Opera had already suspended Marco Goecke after he attacked Wiebke Huester, a dance critic for the FAZ newspaper, by smearing fresh excrement from his Dachshund in her face
Marco Goecke was suspended from his post as ballet chief at the Hannover state opera following the incident. The theater s management called on him to apologize comprehensively .
Marco Goecke approached critic Wiebke Hüster on Saturday evening, blaming her for ticket cancellations before smashing the feces in her face, FAZ reported.