well, over there we have two left and right front speakers. look at those towers. rockustics. those are on the floor there. check this out. you would never even know, right there. and we have a coconut right there behind the logo. that s a hanging coconut for those tiki bars. now we ll talk about the food. i have friends who swear by this and say if you ever have meat out of a big green egg grill, you will never want to try another grill ever again. you won t use a gas grill. what s the deal with this, why? it s lump coal. that s what it cooks off of. the best part about it is you can smoke on it for about 200 degrees, 220 degrees for about 24 hours without adding wood to it. the best part about it also is you can cook red meat at 1,000 degrees or 800 degrees.