The anime s story centers on Haru and Hina, two siblings who live in the city and get along well. One day they find a beautiful blue feather on the road, and they set out to find its owner. A mysterious crow appears before them, and acts as a guide. The three then go on a journey to find the owner, meeting various birds along the way.
The original picture book shipped on November 19.
Sources: Aoi Hane Mitsuketa! anime s Twitter account, Comic Natalie
The anime s story centers on Haru and Hina, two siblings who live in the city and get along well. One day they find a beautiful blue feather on the road, and they set out to find its owner. A mysterious crow appears before them, and acts as a guide. The three then go on a journey to find the owner, meeting various birds along the way.
The original picture book shipped on November 19.
Sources: Aoi Hane Mitsuketa! anime s website, Comic Natalie
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