he is very likely to become the next secretary of state. handy capping the odds for confirmation of president obama s other nominees for important decision is tricky. when i nominated him for 2011 i took action to appoint him on my own. that appointment expires at the end of this year. president obama renominated him this week. the senator was one of 45 senators opposing his nomination last year. he said until key structural changes are made to ensure accountability and transparency i will continue my opposition to any nominee for director. the national security advisor for john brennan to become cia director. chuck hagel to become defense secretary could be bumpy. both men have been making the
forgiveness is a beautiful thing. we re going to steak suggestions for our free for all friday music so you can tweet me at soledad, underscore, o brien and we ll get that on the air. i guess i could introduce the panel. will cain is back with us and maria cardona is back as well and the congressman joins us here. polls are just opening in the state of florida. florida you remember is a 50-delegate winner take allstate. 600,000 ballots have already been cast in the two candidates at the very toprolly have literally been ripping into each other right to the bitter end. listen. i don t believe the republican party is going to nominate a liberal who is pro-abortion, pro-gun control, pro-tax increase, pro-gay rights. the republican party base does not want to nominate somebody who represents the establishment of wall street in new york. romney refused to allow catholic hospitals to have conscience in their dealing with certain circumstances. romney cut off kosher food for elder
that sounds like a marlin brando movie. drops an apple out of his hand? that s fascinating. what an image. probably under hurricane irene s path. i have vivid dreams of hosting this show. let s go to shameless plugs. shara, go ahead. the true test is if you like redistricting, if you do. go to rollcall.com. our coverage is really good. and fascinating story. i m going to put a plug in on my deputy. handy capping races for 20 years, basically the same way. stay tuned this fall. we re going to be enhancing our coverage, taking it to the next level. so tuned. stu rothen berg changing things up. my guys, the duke men s basketball team can we cut the sound? taking on the united arab
tell you i felt like i was finding one of those nine headed tigers you cut one off and they will grow back. that s how they get you. lawyer after lawyer after lawyer. it s stone brook, good luck to you both. the book is the poll significance. if you are t interested in politics. good look for fog us on. handy capping will they really pass healthcare this week. the problems with pittsburgh quarterback accused for the he could second time in 8 months. an american diplomat is murdered in drewing vie lengths in mexico. pat o brien rye enon hooked in hollywood after that many urance. this is help protect and care for your employees at no cost to your company insurance. if all you know about us is. aflac!
tell you i felt like i was finding one of those nine headed tigers you cut one off and they will grow back. that s how they get you. lawyer after lawyer after lawyer. it s stone brook, good luck to you both. the book is the poll significance. if you are t interested in politics. good look for fog us on. handy capping will they really pass healthcare this week. the problems with pittsburgh quarterback accused for the he could second time in 8 months. an american diplomat is murdered in drewing vie lengths in mexico. pat o brien rye enon hooked in pat o brien rye enon hooked in