Chandigarh to Delhi Flight Ticket Price, Train Seat Availability Amid Farmers Protest: Amidst the farmers' protest at Shambhu and Khanauri borders, the commuters, who want to travel to Chandigarh to Delhi or vice versa, are facing a lot of issues in their travel. While the roads are blocked, people are looking for the options of railways and airways for their travel.
Chandigarh: Punjab and Haryana High Court on Thursday resumed the hearing of petitions related to the ongoing farmers' protest. The High Court said that the protesting farmers have right to protest peacefully. The Acting Chief Justice of the High Court said, "We have informed that there was widespread newspaper coverage about this litigation, so we presume that farmers are aware and they will be bound by the order of this court."
Chandigarh to Delhi Train Seat Availability Amid Farmers Protest and Bharat Bandh: Amidst the farmers' protest at Shambhu and Singhu borders and the farmers' Bharat Bandh call tomorrow, the commuters are facing a lot of issues in their travel. While the roads are blocked, people are rushing towards railways and airways for their travel.
Farmers ‘Delhi Chalo’ March Protest 2024: Farmers have started marching towards Delhi as a part of their 'Delhi Chalo' call to protest against the Centre over the unfulfilled demands. In the meanwhile, the commuters are facing a lot of issue. So, if you have to go Delhi from Chandigarh, then you can follow the travel advisory given by Haryana Police.
Farmers Protest 2024: Due to the protests by farmers, people flying between these cities are facing expensive flight tickets. The farmers have been marching towards Delhi and the police have put up barriers, making it hard for not only the farmers but also the people to travel.