Three young girls drowned in a well in Simalia village in the Ghoghamba taluka of Panchmahal district. The incident is believed to have occurred when the girls went to quench their thirst and one of them fell into the well, leading to the tragic deaths of the other two girls who tried to save her. The deceased girls were identified as Kirti Baria (5), Saraswadi Baria (10), and Lalita Baria (12). The police have registered the incident as an accidental death and investigations are ongoing.
Two persons were electrocuted to death while working at roadside eateries near Bhat in Halol taluka of Panchmahal district. Shailesh Rathwa (27) and Vinod Rathwa (27) were electrocuted while working to extend an electricity line. Both were declared dead at hospitals after the incident. Pavagadh police registered a case of unnatural death and started an investigation.
A woman, who lost her husband to Covid-19 infection and was denied the mediclaim, seeks justice from the consumer commission despite a delay in approaching the forum. The forum has decided to hear her plea even though she missed the deadline to challenge the denial of the claim by seven months and 25 days.
Several factors have contributed to the steady progress seen in India's manufacturing sector in recent years, but key issues must be addressed for more rapid expansion and higher quality growth.