The mother of a 22-year-old Minnesota man believes the state is abusing the law by charging him with two felonies for possessing firearms that he made himself. Last year, Matthew Anderson and his friend were target shooting on private property when a neighbor filed a complaint with the police after saying they heard glass shatter […]
Washington, D.C. Today, Gun Owners of America (GOA) led two coalition letters from the Second Amendment Action Alliance and the No Compromise Alliance to Speaker McCarthy and other members of [.]
Gun Owners of America is leading a new effort to press the Republican-led House into action involving the Biden regime's unconstitutional action banning pistol braces after they were [.]
It never ceases to amaze us how liberals use one constitutionally guaranteed right to try to get another one banned. Case in point: Here 4 the Kids, a gun control group comprised of mothers, is [.]
On Friday, April 21, 2023, Kristopher “Justin” Ervin and Mathew Hoover were found guilty on charges related to the selling of illegal machineguns, based on Ervin’s sales of credit card-sized [.]