Police in Vadodara have launched an investigation into a peculiar case of suspected theft at a laundry shop. Four women, who are accused of taking Rs 25,000, are said to have stripped off to avoid the wrath of a mob.
Dediapada, Dec 14 (PTI) AAP MLA Chaitar Vasava surrendered before the police at Dediapada town in Gujarat's Narmada district on Thursday in a case filed against him and some others more than a month back for allegedly threatening forest department personnel and firing one round in the air, an official said.
Gujarat Chief Secretary Raj Kumar was directed to streamline the procedure for filing appeals to ensure they are only filed after taking the opinions of government pleaders, within the timeframe prescribed.
The bridge collapse in Morbi in October last year killed more than 135 people and injured 56 others. Jaysukh Patel, managing director of Oreva Group, and nine others stand accused of culpable homicide among other charges.
The National Academy of Coastal Policing (NACP) has been established to provide intensive and high-level training for marine police of nine coastal states, five Union territories as well as the central police forces.