As per poll officials, a total of 4.97 crore persons, comprising 2.56 crore males, 2.41 crore females and 1,534 from the third gender, will vote in 50,788 polling booths. These comprise 17,275 polling booths in urban areas and 33,513 in rural areas, EC data showed.
Suresh Singh Rajput (56), the driver, began his journey at 11 am to drop the students to their homes. During the seven-kilometre stretch between Althan and Magdalla, the bus narrowly avoided accidents on at least four occasions due to reckless driving. The students on the bus ranged from Class 1 to Class 12. , India News - Times Now
Four members of a family from the Bhudarpura area in Ahmedabad attempted to end their lives by jumping into the Sabarmati River, but were saved due to the prompt response by the bystanders and the fire officials on Tuesday.