Gong Yoo, known for his roles in Squid Game is grieving the passing of his father, who passed away on February 5. The cause of death remains undisclosed at this time. - Squid Game Actor Gong Yoo s Father Dies, Funeral To Take Place on February 8
News News: Choi Hyun-wook has turned down the lead role in director Lee Eung Bok's new drama, 'My Relationship That I Also Oppose', due to scheduling conflicts.
After making fun of Indian daily soaps that have reached a new extent of imagination (in a negative way) for featuring naagin, makhi and other animal-human hybrid characters, we’re gladly enjoying the love stories of Korean goblins and foxes. Is this only a matter of Indians being obsessed with foreigners or the quality of the work? Let’s talk about that.