One look at Regent’s New Electric SeaGlider that is powered by electricity that is a next-generation vehicle. It can function as a seacraft or an aircraft that can land on water.
China Building Ground-Effect Vehicles to Defend South China Sea Claims: Leaked Documents
The Chinese regime is building a base to design, test, and manufacture ground-effect vehicles (GEV) for the purpose of defending its territorial claims in the South China Sea, according to internal documents The Epoch Times obtained from a trusted source.
A GEV is a type of aircraft-ship hybrid that can skim over the surface of water (ocean or lake), ice, or flat earth.
Beijing claims most of the South China Sea as its own, even after a 2016 international tribunal ruled that such claims were unlawful; the Philippines, Vietnam, Malaysia, Brunei, and Taiwan have competing claims. Home to rich fishing grounds and potentially valuable natural resources, the waterway is also one of the world’s major shipping routes.