And Electronic Devices. Complete speaker cards and document to be included as part of the file should be submit today the clerk. Thank you. Today we have item 1, so if you can please call item 1. Orbd nons approving and authorizing the exectv director of port of San Francisco to execute project agreement with army corp of engineering to allow dredging of Central Basin by pier 70, not to exceed 2. 2 million for project cost and port providing a 10 percent matching share nod to exceed 900,000 of the Central Basin payable over the 30 years for matching fair from the port not to exceed 3. 1 million. Thank you we have the port staff here to explain why we are here on a monday for the item. Yes. Good afternoon supervisors. [inaudible] project sponsor [inaudible] and the new Deputy Commander of the San Francisco district of army corp of engineer major kevinmic cormic. Before i go further like to express on behalf of director forbes heartfelt gratitude for being here today rchlt being able to
Electronic devices are prohibitedat this meeting. Please be advised that the chair may order the removal from the meeting room or any persons responsible for the ringing of one or use of a cell phone, pagerer or other similar soundproducing electronic devices. Its strongly recommended that members of the public who wish to address the commission fill out a speaker card and submit the completed cards to the commission secretary. The next order of business is item 3 report on actions taken at a previous closed session meeting, if any. There are no reportable actions. The next the order of business is item 4 matter of unfinished business. There are no matters of unfinished business. The next order of business is item 5, matters of new business consisting of consent and regular agenda. First the Consent Agenda, 5a approval of minutes, october 4, 2016. Madam chair. Thank you. Do we have speaker cards for this item . No, we dont. Commissioners, we have the minutes of october 4th, 2016. Does