but another obligation prevented me from joining you on this date. i have been in the transit industry for 32 years. san. muni as the trading manager, ac transit as the assistant manager of administration, bart as the department manager of human- resources, and currently, as a member of the executive paratransit council. during these years, i worked with numerous elected and appointed policy makers. in addition to being a regular transit rider, i feel the phone skills are essential for any transit policy maker to possess. visionary, thoughtful and critical thinker, communication skills, management skills, independent thinker, ms. bridges has the expertise to serve with distinction with the mta. leona possesses all of the skills listed above. she is a quick study. she will learn the terms and transit concepts in short order. her background will serve her well as a policymaker prepared to address the issues facing the mta in the years ahead. her life experiences will serve the
item #6. motion rejecting the mayor s nomination for reappointment of karl hasz to the historical preservation commission, seat no. 6, for a four-year term ending december 31, 2014. supervisor campos: if we could ask commissioner hasz to come forward? good morning. yes, it is still mourning. i had to look at my watch as well. i previously served on the landmarks preservation board. i have served on the architectural review committee. i am seat 6 as a contractor. hasz construction is my firm and as a contractor i find that my job on the historic preservation commission, in advantage to keeping our existing buildings intact id is important to me architectural heritage is the most important asset of the city. i am very honored that i have had pleasure to serve and protect, reusing by expertise within the city. a couple of things i wanted to mention specifically. coming upper is that we have a couple of coming uppe we hava couple of issues and there is misinformation in the
well as a policymaker prepared to address the issues facing the mta in the years ahead. her life experiences will serve the city of sanford says go in setting policies that will enhance all transit-related issues. i live in san francisco for 29 years. i still own property in the city. i care about the city. we urge you to support to vote in support of her. you will not regretted. supervisor campos: thank you very much. next speaker please. good afternoon. my name is mike williams, and i am a former vice chairman of barclays global investors. bgi was headquartered in san francisco and at the time was the world s largest global investment business. we serve over $2 trillion in assets. i have known leona bridges in a professional capacity since 1993 and seen her in a wide variety of roles and functions at the firm. she managed the global financial markets operation, which provide significant income to our clients. she had responsibility for people management. she ran a larg
i am very honored that i have had pleasure to serve and protect, reusing by expertise within the city. a couple of things i wanted to mention specifically. coming upper is that we have a couple of coming uppe we hava couple of issues and there is misinformation in the public. in terms of architectural heritage, getting an out reach program within the city to straighten out exactly what the rules are for a historic district and what it means to be a landmark, the gentleman that spoke previously to our commission today from bright line, i think that his comments are very good about going out into communities. we might be able to wrap up within the program. realtors are based in each area throughout the city. by giving them an education commission we can further those ideas for the commission. questions? supervisor alioto-pier: by would like to thank the commissioner for his work on historic preservation commission. you have always been a very well and thoughtful person. to th
it is a fantastic afternoon in san francisco, isn t it? and aren t we glad we live in america where we have the freedom of choice? i am dr. shelton, third vice president of the san francisco branch naacp, and 82-year-old organization in the city and county of san francisco. as you said early on, there is a lot of activity going on in sacramento, our president had to run up to sacramento, but we are here as an naacp branch in support of leona bridges for the position she is seeking and we hope you will confirm her to. i will not go into all of her credentials because the power that be have seen to the fact that she is here for you to put her in that position, and as you see, we are here to help you make the choice. [laughter] we are here to help you make the choice. please no that we are behind her 100%, and we will make sure she does the best job for the city and county of san francisco and for all of us who live here and make this beautiful city our home. thank you for your