Nine members of the Buffs FFA chapter recently attended the Section 13 Horticulture and Livestock Judging Career Development Event at Scott County Fairgrounds.
The Great Hearts Trivium Preparatory Academy’s FFA chapter is headed to the National FFA Convention in Indianapolis Oct. 27 to Oct. 30 as finalists in public speaking, agriscience, food science
their entire personal integrity and their high of s personal history to try explain what he s doing i couldn t defend the racist tweets on bill mahr that night. so the very next night, he s coming after me and my family. this guy is a full blown demagogue that needs blind obeyance. once he gets hit a couple times, because he s a paper tiger bully, he just starts on unravel like a complete basket case. this week we re the chosen one, the king of the juice, we re going on stop a state visit to denmark with one of our allies over some dispute over greenland. i m well aware. now they re selling t-shirts that has greenhand as part of the united states. it s crazy. but leaves out puerto rico as a u.s. territory. that s okay. people are calling you, anthony. we both know it. saying, anthony, what are you doing? this is our guy. you don t want a democrat in