Spaces should be used for child-care, arts, senior support, food, and health-care purposes by Guest on December 13th, 2020 at 6:01 PM 1 of 3 2 of 3
By Estrellita Gonzalez
As a Vancouver School Board trustee, my mission is simple: work to make the VSB better for its almost 50,000 students. For me, better represents sustainability, the arts, food, equity, community, and improved well-being. Neighbourhood schools are at the heart of communities, and I strive to align these values with safe, welcoming, and inspiring educational facilities.
During the past year, the VSB has consulted with the public for feedback on the future of its buildings to inform its Long Range Facilities Plan. I am excited at the prospect of adopting a truly visionary and long-term plan for the district, its students, and its aging infrastructure.