Lieutenant General Hun Manet, Deputy Commander of the Royal Cambodian Armed Forces and Commander of the Royal Cambodian Army, commemorated the one-year anniversary of his work organising Covid-19 treatment facilities for mild symptoms at Koh Pich Convention and Exhibition Centre in Phnom Penh at the peak of the pandemic.
Tears of joy as scores recover from Covid-19
Thu, 20 May 2021
Hundreds of Covid-19 patients at Tuol Pongro treatment centre in Phnom Penh were filled with joy after hearing a thunderous noise and then a voice from above telling them they had recovered from the disease.
It was the treatment centre’s PA system informing them all at once of the good news: all the tests that day had come back negative. They were going home.
Samnang, one of the patients being treated there, expressed joy when he recovered and was discharged on May 12 from the centre.
“This disease is really dangerous, but what allows me and other patients to recover quickly are the good treatment and the high quality of healthcare provided the whole time. Doctors have followed up my health since then,” he said, adding that Hun Manet – Deputy Commander-in-Chief of the Royal Cambodian Armed Forces – and his wife Pich Chanmony had focused on providing good treatment facilities, good food, encouragemen
A total of 838 Covid-19 patients with mild cases of the illness who were undergoing treatment at the Koh Pich Convention and Exhibition Centre – which has been converted into a treatment facility – in Phnom Penh have now recovered and been discharged.
In the past 51 days, five hospitals and centres with 4,300 beds have been set up to treat Covid-19 patients with mild symptoms. Photo supplied
Five hospitals, centres set up to treat Covid patients with mild symptoms
Tue, 27 April 2021
In the past 51 days, five hospitals and centres with 4,300 beds have been set up to treat Covid-19 patients with mild symptoms, according to deputy commander-in-chief of the Royal Cambodian Armed Forces Hun Manet.
In a Facebook post on April 21, Manet said the treatment centres the team had set up are the Great Duke Hotel, Luang Mer Hospital, Covid-19 treatment Koh Pich I and II, and Covid-19 treatment Toul Pongro.
Phat Rath and Oeun Sokheng were informed on April 8 that they were both positive for COVID-19. The couple, who live in Phnom Penh’s Meanchey district, work at Din Han Enterprise, a garment factory that is a recent hotspot for the disease.
The two garment workers live in a rented room, paying $25 a month for the basic living facility. Many garment factory workers in Phnom Penh live in shared, rented rooms with congested communal areas and bathrooms.
Phat Ratha said after testing positive, the Health Ministry had not informed them if they had to go to a medical facility or a designated COVID-19 hospital. They were anxiously waiting at their rented room, all the while Oeun Sokheng’s symptoms were getting worse.