Further to its previous ASX releases of 20 February and 14 March 2023, Tombola Gold Ltd (ASX:TBA) wishes to provide the market with a further operational update in relation to its gold processing operations at the Great Australian Mine (GAM) plant.
Further to its ASX release of 20 February 2023, Tombola Gold Ltd (ASX:TBA) wishes to provide the market with a further operational and commercial update.
Tombola Gold Ltd (ASX:TBA) is pleased to announce the achievement of a significant milestone with commencement of gold processing and the first gold pour on track for completion by the 19th of December, with pours expected to occur on a weekly basis.
Tombola Gold Ltd (ASX:TBA) a company focused on near term gold production in Cloncurry Queensland, is pleased to provide an overview of the Company s activities for the period ending 30 September 2022.