This is boom bust broadcasting around the globe uncovering the world of business and finance and its all around in your burrito and im kristie i in washington heres a look at whats on that today actually is on the ground in china taking a look into one of the most Controversial Companies of the trade war Salmaan Taseer fast paced sometimes bad fall a fan found a fact a far more indepth look at the Telecom Giant watch following a shock primary vote in argentina the nation has sent the economy firelight firming up staff write out the plan as i have time for the on hand in argentina just break it all down and laser color sylvan china are slow. But signal something worse to come or fix the car coach is standing by on this is a sign that the peoples republic got a path showed it is willing to go and dive right in. While the trade war rages on in threatens to impact multinational businesses some companies have managed to find ways to insulate themselves and achieve profitability maersk the W