A recent report by ABP Live has revealed the earnings of the cast members from the show. Not surprisingly, Jitendra Kumar, known as Jeetu Bhaiya and portraying the protagonist Abhishek Tripathi, the village secretary of Phulera in Uttar Pradesh, is the top earner among the actors. He is making a hefty sum of Rs 70,000 per episode.
Let s look at this actor who won hearts with his appearance in Aamir Khan s Lagaan and Deepika Padukone s Piku. The actor is currently ruling OTT with the brand new season of much acclaimed show.
News News: The third season of 'Panchayat', premiering on OTT from May 28th. Chandan Roy teases fans with promises of wild and hilarious events in the upcoming s
The third season of Panchayat will stream on Prime Video from May 28. The new show is expected to be filled with "crazy events." The show features returning cast members Jitendra Kumar, Neena Gupta, Raghubir Yadav, Faisal Malik, Chandan Roy, and Sanvikaa.
Amazon Prime Video unveiled the trailer on Wednesday, commencing with the introduction of a new secretary for the Gram Panchayat. However, unforeseen circumstances prompt his departure, leading Abhishek Tripathi (portrayed flawlessly by Jitendra Kumar, also known as Jeetu Bhaiya) to step back into his former role as secretary.