mAMOS CHAPEL MISSIONARY BAPTIST CHURCH, 1307 W. 16th Ave., will celebrate its 144th anniversary at noon Sunday. The guest speaker will be the Rev. R.P. Bifford, pastor of New Hope Missionary Baptist Church at Altheimer. The guest choir director will be Donna Huskey. The Rev. Robert Willis Jr. is Amos Chapel s pastor.
PLEASANT VIEW MINISTRIES, 1117 N. Palm St., will be the site for a benefit program for Lakia Butler at 6:30 p.m. Saturday. Meekness, a local Gospel music group, will host the event and the worship leader will be Kim Jones Sneed, a minister at Pleasant View. This service will feature area Gospel music groups. William A. Shaw Jr. is the host pastor.
mWORD OF FAITH FULL GOSPEL BAPTIST CHURCH, 1108 S. Poplar St., will hold its Family and Friends Day on Sunday. Sunday School will be held at 9:45 a.m. and worship service at 10:45 a.m. The speaker will be the pastor, Henry Land of Word of Faith.