The multinational Pan American Silver, which has accumulated complaints in four Latin American countries, acquired the MARA mining project in Catamarca.
Distritos peronistas, radicales, PRO y vecinalistas responden a un tema que comienza a sobrevolar la provincia. El “dilema” para el FDT y la postura del Gobierno de Kicillof.
Covid-19 dominates another year, with the the global vaccine race illustrating the very best and worst of humanity. Aside from coronavirus (a crucial factor in the ‘VIP vaccine’ and ‘Olivosgate’ political scandals), the death of former president Carlos Menem, rising prices and poverty, trigger-happy policing, IMF debt talks and key elections across the region steal the show – including Argentina’s PASO primaries and midterms, which reshape the political landscape. This is 2021: the year that was.