By Prof. Bah 1. Lead and Manage from Bottom, Up: Make City Council More Powerful The more State House cedes effective administrative authority to city councils nationwide, the more powerful State House becomes; and the quicker our turnaround to good governance and sustainable development for all. Give city councils full authority to regulate local commerce, transportation,
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Opposing Democratic and Republican Party Agendas
The United States has long functioned largely as a two-party nation with smaller and less influential secondary parties.
While the Democratic and Republican parties have existed as the two major parties for much of U.S. history – with changing perspectives and political philosophies over time – other parties or blocs have organized under the banner of the Whigs, Federalists, Free Soil, American or Know Nothings, Unionists, Libertarians, Green, Socialist Workers, People’s Party, Progressive or Bull Moose, and Youth International.