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With Susannah Luthi and Rachel Roubein
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New assistant vice chancellor for city and community relations is a ‘human bridge’
Ché Anderson joins UMass Medical School from the City of Worcester By Colleen Locke January 22, 2021
UMass Medical School’s new assistant vice chancellor for city and community relations comes into the role with a reputation for bringing people together. Ché Anderson joins the Office of Government and Community Relations after nearly seven years with the City of Worcester.
Ché Anderson
“I’m really looking forward to finding new ways to connect and liaise the campus to the city through the public schools or through the work with the city administration itself or through nonprofit projects that may come up through the students on campus,” Anderson said. “I’m excited for growth opportunies for the campus and for myself, finding new ways to bring people together. That’s one of the things that I think I do best. I’m a human bridge, is what I