yesterday changed his story y to admit that he was a tt the da kennels where his wife and son were played, something he did not tell police at the time. at all of this the last time you saw your supposedly saw four wife and child, all o this detail, you as a lawyer and a prosecutor, didn t think that was important to offer impr on your own. sta o i think it s important. here and now that murdoch cop to and lying about being at the kennels, he toldd l.a. prosecutors today that when hen left his wife and son minutehes before they were slaughtered, no one else was around forwa the dogs. barking and carrying on or going out into the woods orng o acting like they said somebody was around that they didn t know. nd theyo, they weren t. there was nobody.there there was around it. the dogs didn t know.t know there was nobody else around. all right. .good for them to since. esse: bubut the most explosive moment of the day, murda putting his o forward his owwnn theory on whod
the country s soul, our attention and the people that matter are ignoring it.thae no, jesse , that s a great point. also, where s al gore?wh where s john kerry? where s the leo dicaprio? gore d they have no problem hopping on these private jets to gotheyh talk about environmental issuesv somewhere. but suddenly they don t wanttalt environmental issues somewhere to get on the private jets to go deal with an actual environmental disaster to bring attention to it and also maybe bring some water. i don t believg watere at the r is safe to drink. and the stunt of drinking like one glass, that s not what s going to get you.r it s over time. and it reminds me of flint,in michigands m, about an hour from where i grew up.the wate the water, they were saying, it s fine, it s fine. young people a are saying,, i m i m sick, i m sick. like people are saying you these in these palestineand and took 18 months after an estimated nine thousand babies had ingested led water to say, okay, no, it s not.