A coalition of 13 wildlife-advocacy groups is suing Idaho, saying the state's recently expanded wolf trapping season violates the Endangered Species Act
the split in the republican party. some say boehner shouldn t fall into the rhetoric and suggests speaker baner is losing the political battle. thank you very much. byron york will join us in a bit. i want to put this in perspective. 85 billion in a budget of $3.8 trillion. a debt of 16 plus trillion. this week, warning of a fiscal trap, last week more concern with golf traps. playing with mr. president was pretty cool. he s a wonderful person to be around and we won. he s an avid golfer and so am i. so we went out there and we had a great round of golf with ron and jim and it was a good day. a good day. but to herman cain, not exactly good optics. what do you think?