In the United States we celebrate the first Monday of September as Labor Day. It is a day to reflect and relax.The Catholic Church proclaims the dignity, meaning and redemptive value of all human .
To come to a new understanding of the dignity of human labor requires what St Paul rightly called a renewal of the mind. CHESAPEAKE, Va. (Catholic Online) - During the last years of his service .
Our Lady of Guadalupe has been hailed as the Patroness of the America's. The "New Evangelization" of the America's has been entrusted to her patronage and prayer. CHESAPEAKE, Va. (Catholic Online) - .
The newest Saint of India, Alphonsa, reveals that in the Cross the meaninglessness of suffering can give way to a profound experience of the love of God and neighbor in our daily lives. GORAKHPUR, .
In recent times there has been an increasing number of challenges to the rule of mandatory celibacy for priests within the Catholic Church. This is understandable in a society that has become sexually permissive almost beyond belief. Nonetheless, celibacy lies at the heart of a priest’s identity and commitment.