BRADFORD S Sikh community celebrated the 354th birthday of the tenth and last living Guru, Guru Gobind Singh Ji Maharaj, in a virtual event on 20 January. The auspicious day usually sees the Sikh community meeting at the gurdwara, although things were different this year amid Covid-19. Guru Gobind Singh Ji is celebrated as a figure who fought injustice and was a gifted writer. Before his death in 1708, he declared the Guru Granth Sahib, Sikhism s holy scripture, to be the permanent Sikh Guru. Baldev Singh Chaggar (pictured), a member of the Sikh community and also of Norwood House Nursing Home in Keighley, said: This is an important celebration. It s hard for all religions now because everything is online, but we have to do whatever necessary to keep everyone safe.