not being able to go take their children to the doctor, not being able to afford gas, having to decide between health care and rent. these are the stories that will start coming up. they ve been bubbling up slowly and they will continue. what happens, though, is if it does go on beyond let s say january, both sides start feeling it. because now everyone hates government. while the democrats are certainly in their right to hold strong against the president, which i think they should, my guess is that we re going to see two things start to specially bubble up. one is the democrats coming out with this is our plan. this is the border security that we support and put something out there. the president would be very wise to do it first because then he could say look what the democrats aren t approving. taking the wall out. they re not supporting more border guards, etcetera. they could go on and on and on. but this is going to really start to hurt the president. we see it even with tsa.