You. Claim. To play. This is d. W. News live from berlin marking the fall of the wall here in berlin celebrations have begun to commemorate 30 years since the wall came down paving the way for german reunification also coming up. Thousands take to the streets of the Chilean Capital Santiago as protest against inequality in the country continues plus. People have been living here for millennia but now they have to pack their bags a controversial dam plug in turkey will flood their town on its historical sites to
generate electricity. Place. Im told me all oddball thanks for joining us. Germany has started a week of celebrations to mark the 30th Anniversary of the fall of the berlin wall which happened on the 9th Of November 1989 a few days earlier hundreds of thousands of east germans had gathered at Butlins Famous Alexanderplatz for an unprecedented Demonstration Calling For Freedom Of Expression and democracy has more. History flashing before their eyes as thousands returned to berlin
Over the course of Thursday and Saturday, approximately 5,000 pancake lovers will flow through the doors of the Belmore Community Centre. They’ll come from far and wide for their fill of sweet syrup and friendly banter.
RUTHERFORDTON—Keep Rutherford County Beautiful (KRCB) held its Spring Litter Sweep, over an eight-week period, with over 200 miles of roadway cleared of unsightly trash.
Continental Manor royalty
Every Valentine’s Day Continental Manor in Blanchester crowns a king and queen at its Royal Ball. Prior to the event every resident and staff member gets to cast a vote and this year’s winners are King Bruce Seaman and Queen Haney Burris. Activity Staff, Lisa Beach and Lynn Wall served up a meal fit for a king of pork roast, potatoes, carrots and biscuit, followed by mini cheesecakes for dessert. Each resident received a teddy bear, donated by Rebecca Waits, as well as several valentines sent from local Girl Scouts troops and others.
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