Beyonce Courtesy of Beyonce/Instagram Beyoncé is sassy in silver. The 42-year-old singer took to Instagram to show off her latest look on Thursday, December 21. In the pic, she held up a peace sign while wearing a sequin embellished Alaïa gown and hooded cape. She completed the look with black sunglasses, long nails with a red French tip, filled-in eyebrows, loft eyeshadow, long lashes and glossy lips. Her blonde locks were parted down the middle and tied back into a ponytail. The rest of her fa
Allure contributor Jihan Forbes explains why she enjoys Tatcha's Kissu Lip Mask for getting plump, shiny lips that stay hydrated for hours on end. Here, she breaks down the ingredients and shares her before-and-after photos to showcase how well it works.
This plumping lip gloss from Rihanna's Fenty Beauty went viral on TikTok. Its plumping formula volumizes and nourishes lips and gives your pout a sheer brown sheen. Read along to see Allure staffers Sarah Hoffmann, Bianca Richards, and Annie Blay share their thoughts.
If you're looking for a nonsticky gloss that feels like a skin-care treatment with a potent and very buildable dose of color, your search is over. Tower 28's ShineOn Lip Jelly is a favorite of many Allure editors, but commerce editor Sarah Han takes a deep dive into why this formula is better than all other lip glosses.