/PRNewswire/ The point-of-sale (POS) terminal market in India is estimated to grow at a CAGR of 11.59% between 2022 and 2027. The market size is forecast to.
/PRNewswire/ The POS terminals market size is estimated to grow by USD 46.07 billion from 2022 to 2027, according to Technavio. The market is estimated to.
PAX Global Technology Limited (OTCMKTS:PXGYF – Get Rating) shares were up 5% on Friday . The company traded as high as $0.83 and last traded at $0.83. Approximately 5,880 shares were traded during mid-day trading, a decline of 64% from the average daily volume of 16,555 shares. The stock had previously closed at $0.79. PAX […]
PAX Global Technology Limited (OTCMKTS:PXGYF – Get Rating) was the target of a large growth in short interest during the month of March. As of March 31st, there was short interest totalling 68,400 shares, a growth of 191.1% from the March 15th total of 23,500 shares. Based on an average daily volume of 11,400 shares, […]