AZoCleantech recently spoke to entrepreneur Siân Sutherland, the Co-Founder of A Plastic Planet, for International Women's Day. Her company's goal is to inspire the world to turn off the plastic tap to help reduce its burden on the planet.
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That won’t just mean more beached whales with stomachs full of plastic bags; the human consequences will be extreme, too. Healthy ocean ecosystems absorb CO2. A dead ocean has dire consequences for the climate. Plastic already has been found in the air, in the rain, in our bodies and in our food supply.
That’s why, in March, the Ocean Plastics Leadership Network, together with WWF and Greenpeace, led the first of four dialogue sessions. One hundred and forty organizations from 34 countries representing all the main stakeholders attended the two-day virtual event. The aim was to deepen understanding and build capacity for a Global Plastics Treaty.