leading newt gingrich, followed by rick santorum and ron paul. here are the numbers to call. if you are a florida voter, you can join the conversation. you can also e-mail us at journal@c-span.org, or bonds witton twitter. we are on facebook. let s look at the tampa bay times. it says, today, florida decides. host: taking a look at how the new york times is covering the story on the front page, giving images of both mitt romney and newt gingrich out on the campaign trail. it says host: looking at how newt gingrich is seeing his campaign, how his supporters are dealing with their concerns about his decline in the polls. it says newt gingrich and his aides insist they see a path to the republican presidential nomination. what do you think? let s hear from jerry on the line for democrats. good morning. caller: i m wondering why more issue is not being made with romney and gingrich both. they keep saying obama is not doing anything. the republicans in the house sinc