Aug. 22, 1948, in The Star: An entire second section has been created for today’s Sunday edition to fully inform the reader about facilities, classes and personnel that will go
Anniston boys age 11 and younger with a talent for playing marbles were urged in late June 1948 to sign up for a big marble tournament scheduled to begin soon.
Built in 1914 by the Lynchburg Foundry Company of Virginia, a pipe plant located in northwest Anniston that operated until 1944 was given a new lease on life in 1948.
Jun. 2 Noon Thursday, June 3, is the deadline to appear in next week's What's Happening. We must receive your event in writing with a contact phone number for questions. Due to the large number of submissions, events may run only one time in print, will be edited and appear in the week before the event date. Email: Mail to: Lifestyle, Belleville News-Democrat, P.O. Box 427, .