Ever wonder where your donation goes when you're asked to 'round up' to the next dollar when you make a purchase? Here's where you donation goes when you stop at Taco Bell in Sierra Vista.
First Watch is a radio program hosted by Sheriff Mark Dannels on KWCD 92.3 FM in Sierra Vista every Friday at 7 AM. It is sponsored by Sulphur Springs Valley Electric Cooperative. The show is hosted by Cochise County Sheriff’s Office Public Information Officers Carol Capas and Grady Butler.
Newly elected Mayor of Sierra Vista Clea McCaa was in the studio this morning supporting the Boys and Girls Club of Sierra Vista Radio-A-Thon, brought to you by
Throughout the month of February, the Boys & Girls Club of Sierra Vista Radio-A-Thon happens. You can help! Read on - an make your tax-deductible donation today.