The Bharatiya Janata Party faced a significant setback in the recent Lok Sabha elections in Uttar Pradesh, marking one of its poorest performances in two decades. Over 55 per cent of its sitting MPs lost the polls, reflecting a strong anti-incumbency sentiment that the party failed to
As political circles speculate, the endurance of the SP-Congress alliance hinges on election results and past experiences, while experts weigh in on the potential for its longevity.
Uttar Pradesh Lok Sabha election 2024: Impoverished Mirzapur is now a battleground of intricate caste politics. Anupriya Patel, seeking a third consecutive term, is up against a constituency where voting patterns are deeply influenced by caste affiliations.
In the eastern Uttar Pradesh’s town Mirzapur, where the revered Maa Vindhyavasini shrine stands as a testament to faith, the political landscape has undergone a seismic shift. The Bharatiya Janata Party’s decision to deny ticket to its sitting MP from Bhadohi, Ramesh Bind, has ignited a fierce