06/12/2022 - The creation of a common fund is the strategic objective to emerge from the workshop, held in Rome during the fifth edition of the festival dedicated to Balkan film
06/12/2022 - La creación de un fondo común es el objetivo estratégico que ha destacado en el taller que ha tenido lugar en Roma, en la quinta edición del festival dedicado al cine balcánico
06/12/2022 - The creation of a common fund is the strategic objective to emerge from the workshop, held in Rome during the fifth edition of the festival dedicated to Balkan film
The creation of a common fund is the strategic objective to emerge from the workshop, held in Rome during the fifth edition of the festival dedicated to Balkan film
06/12/2022 - The creation of a common fund is the strategic objective to emerge from the workshop, held in Rome during the fifth edition of the festival dedicated to Balkan film